Tuesday, November 20, 2007


For the first year, I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving. Not that I don't like Thanksgiving, but it just isn't my favorite holiday. I've never really liked Turkey, and watching football makes me feel lethargic.....so Halloween and Christmas were more my type of holidays. However, this year I'm really excited. Mostly I'm excited because family events take on a whole new meaning. Showing Ramona off to my relatives is just fun. Plus, I actually like my family, so seeing them is fun instead of horrifying. Nobody gets too drunk, nobody yells at each other (unless someone gets in my dad's way in the kitchen), and there isn't any weird tension. Grandma Fenton isn't going to be able to make it this year, because the trip from Bellingham might be too much for her, so I added a picture of her with Ramona in this post.

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