Monday, January 31, 2011

Go, Dog, Go

Our household has been obsessed with Go, Dog, Go since we saw the play a week ago.  We had my parents watch Ruby, and the rest of us went to the play at the Children's Theater with the Mapps.  Ramona had never read the book before, but when we came home she started reciting lines from the play.  Somebody has a better memory than her parents.  So, we bought the book.  Which is when I first realized the book wasn't by Dr. Seuss.  Really? 

The madness continued last weekend when we went to a performance by Recess Monkey (a local kids' band) at the Children's Theatre, where the "dogs" showed up and danced and sang.  Ramona looked at them like they were rock stars.  We tried to get her to say hi, but she looked at them a little like she looks at the Mariner Moose (50% fear, 50% admiration).  On to tonight's Go Dog Go event, which was sitting on top of the table drawing the dogs, the trees, the party hats, the cars, etc.  Just to warn you, if you ask Ramona "Do you like my hat?"  She will answer "I do not".  She can't help it, she has to quote the book.

Oh, and totally unrelated, Ruby let me put a hair clip in her hair today.

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